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How to choose a yacht for a trip around the world

November 19, 2021

How to choose a yacht for a trip around the world, in addition to taking into account the budget, requires attention to a number of factors. You will learn about these aspects and their specifics by reading our article.

Dimensions of the vessel

It is worth knowing that large yachts are difficult to manage and expensive to operate and maintain. Such models of ships are distinguished by the maximum amount of invoices providing for the payment of insurance, parking, spare parts and other expenses.

Driving this type of water transport for two people, and even more so for one person, is not an easy task – you will also have to hire a crew.

However, travelers who want to save money often choose a yacht of the most modest dimensions, often remain unhappy – the limited space causes a feeling of discomfort and psychological stress when the voyagers are worried about their safety. Therefore, give preference to such a yacht, so that there is space on board for all the necessary equipment, tools, fuel, supplies and water.

We advise you to choose a yacht 35-45 feet long, considering also their width and hull configuration. If the vessel is wider and its shape is rounded amidships, such a boat will be more spacious and comfortable.

Hull types: catamarans and monohulls

A catamaran yacht, in comparison with a single-hull vessel, has a lot of advantages:

  • significant volumes of internal space – all the premises of such vessels are more spacious, and access to the engine and other equipment is more convenient on them than on monohull yachts;
  • great buoyancy – catamarans do not have heavy ballast keels, so damage in the form of holes is less terrible for them;
  • the best indicators of stability and maneuverability, the ability to moor to shallow harbors.

However, single-hull yachts also have their advantages:

  • they are more easily controlled when moving against the waves;
  • less sensitive to weight loads – they can go at a good speed and loaded;
  • monohulls are a cheaper option, since the costs of their maintenance are lower, and you can save money on the parking of such boats – one parking space is enough for them in the harbor.

But the catamaran has one key disadvantage – if a vessel of this type capsizes on a long wave, it will be impossible to return it back with the help of one crew.

Yacht materials and their specifics

The rarest and most affordable are wooden boats. The disadvantage of such classic yachts is the complexity of caring for the ship and issuing an international insurance policy for it.
Therefore, a more common option is metal yachts (steel and aluminum), as well as models made of fiberglass.


Steel boats have the following advantages:

  • high strength, resistance to impact – such ships, resistant to deformation and mechanical stress, are not afraid of reefs, ice, or large ocean inhabitants;
  • availability of repair – if the ship’s hull is damaged, only a welding machine and metal are needed to repair it.

The disadvantages of steel ships are their susceptibility to rust and too high thermal conductivity.


Aluminum yachts are not as strong as steel yachts, but they are stronger than fiberglass boats.

In addition, ships with an aluminum hull have additional advantages:

  • excellent aerodynamics;
  • excellent speed characteristics.

The disadvantages of aluminum boats are the relatively expensive cost of the corresponding material and the more technologically complex repair of such yachts. Only welders of the highest qualifications can build this vessel, as well as repair it.

Aluminum is also susceptible to galvanic rust damage and is vulnerable to electrolysis, so a yacht made of the corresponding metal needs to be repainted every 4-5 years, otherwise the hull of the ship will lose its presentable appearance.


Fiberglass is now the most common boat building material.

Fiberglass boats have their advantages:

  • low cost;
  • low thermal conductivity;
  • the best sound insulation;
  • unpretentious care;
  • availability and cost-effectiveness of repair.

Among the disadvantages of the corresponding yachts is their susceptibility to impact – this vessel can get a hole, even if it just runs aground, and any ice floe in the ocean poses a real danger to it. The downside of fiberglass is its toxicity.

Varieties of keels

There are three types of keels:

  • long – such a keel, inseparable from the hull, is considered the most reliable both during collisions and when grounding, although its maneuverability leaves much to be desired;
  • fin – it is less resistant to impact, and the attachments of such a keel are susceptible to corrosion and other damage during the operation of the yacht, however, deep fin keels give the vessel excellent maneuverability and stability, and the shortened counterparts are distinguished by a lower draft;
  • lifting with a centerboard – the draft of such a keel will be minimal, but its design is vulnerable, especially during a storm.

Thus, the choice of keel depends on the operating conditions.

Other aspects of choosing a yacht

These nuances include the specifics of the steering (it is desirable to have a backup, emergency steering system), the location of the engine, the number of masts and the manufacturer.

A cheaper option, in contrast to special projects, are serial models, which are manufactured at Hallberg-Rassy, ​​Nauticat. Garcia Yachts and other famous shipyards.

Building a yacht according to your custom design will make it a perfect fit for the owner, but it will take much more time and money to build.

Samostroy is a dubious option – it is better to entrust such a responsible business to professionals.

If your budget is limited, you can buy a used boat or rent one.

Our company will help you choose a yacht taking into account your requests and wallet – contact the specialists you can trust!

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