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Birthday on the yacht

August 26, 2021

Birthday is a holiday that happens only once a year, so there’s no need to deny anything on this day. If you are tired of the city bustle or just want something new and memorable – we recommend holding a celebration on the yacht.

You can celebrate in the circle of people close to you, enjoy your own day without unauthorized persons. This holiday will be remembered by everyone for a long time, because not every day someone celebrates his birthday aboard a steep yacht in the middle of the sea or ocean.

What is the advantage of such a holiday?

  1. Birthday, wedding, bachelorette party or bachelor party, even a corporate event on a yacht will remain in memory for a long time, if only because on this day you will be surrounded only by close people. The fun will not be broken by outsiders, and at your table, at which you are chatting nicely with best friends, an unfamiliar company will not sit down.
  2. On a personal charter yacht, you can feel free and at ease, enjoy the scenery around, enjoy the music and talk with the desired person.
    Unusual birthday celebration – yacht rental

Of course, choosing a boat for his birthday should be on the budget. If the birthday is not very large-scale, you can limit yourself to a small, but comfortable vessel. But if the celebration is designed for a large number of guests – you have to spend money. The cost of renting a yacht is affected by its capacity and accompanying entertainment program.

It includes music, food, and the services of a host. In addition, the total number of hours spent on the craft is also included in the rental, so it is better to plan in advance the exact route and estimate the time approximately to be spent on rest. Banquet on the ship also plays a significant role.

Provide your guests with their favorite dishes, and waiters will take care of proper serving.

There is a wide variety of options for holding an event on a rented yacht. For example, a large company, in which there are both adults and children, can organize a party in the pirate style in appropriate costumes. However, the chosen option directly depends on imagination and material possibility.

It must be remembered that the yachts are different in size and equipment. Some are very small and are designed for a company of up to 5-7 people, and the second can accommodate 100 guests or more.

Massive vessels have modern equipment, halls, canteens, even gyms, and all this is more like not a yacht, but a huge cruise ship that travels from one continent to another. It is clear that such a grand celebration will be expensive, but worth it.

A holiday on the water is a small trip that does not look like a hiking trip to the forest or a trip to the country. It is better not to take with you huge suitcases, but a small soft backpack will be just the way. Take warm clothes with you: the wind is stronger on the water, so it will be much cooler in the sea or ocean than on land.

If you want to make an interesting and unforgettable gift for your husband and want to surprise him on his anniversary or your anniversary – arrange a holiday for him on the water. Such a surprise will not be forgotten for a long time: men love these kinds of recreation, they are permanently stored in their memory as memories of a beautiful day.

Rest on the yacht is, above all, positive and vivid emotions. You can plan your route in advance by providing stops in advance. Stop at any restaurant, arrange a small banquet table and continue swimming with new forces!

Our international company will help you to implement the conceived idea.

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