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Types of yachts – how to choose transport for your adventure?

November 19, 2021

For many people, a yacht is associated with a dream. And it doesn’t matter what it is intended for (entertainment, recreation, sports, tourism, business). There are many types of yachts in various sizes.

Every person who dreams of a ship will be able to find it to their liking. The main thing is to decide how and for what purpose you will use the yacht.

Yacht classification – Types of yachts

All ships are united by the sea. Free elements and space. The first basic classification is according to the mode of movement. Some are driven by a motor, others by sails.

Sailing yachts

Sailing yachts can be classified according to several important criteria:

  • appointment;
  • distance from the coast
  • number of buildings;
  • achieving stability;
  • the material from which the body is made;
  • status;
  • sail design.

Let’s consider each criterion separately.

Yachts by destination

There are not so many areas of yacht application. They serve either for sporting events (yacht racing) or for entertainment (travel or tourism). Although both of them can be used for other purposes and replace each other, the design solution for each type is different.

The structure for the sailing yacht is heavier. This is primarily due to durability and reliability. The comfort of staying on a yacht also depends on theRacing boats are less comfortable. But in return, they received less weight from the designers and more control options.

Racing yachts are designed for a qualified crew who can accelerate them to their maximum in any wind direction.

Yachts by distance from the coast

If we consider this method of classification, then we can distinguish the main types of yachts:

  • for coastal walks;
  • for swimming in the bays;
  • seaworthy.

Coastal vessels are very light and simple in design. Their hold is small, and you cannot put a lot of supplies in it. A navigation system without bells and whistles, it is for those sailors who know the water area.

Day cruisers, aka bay yachts, are slightly larger than coastal yachts. The hold is spacious, allowing you to stock up on provisions in the required volume for a day or several days spent in the bay. Seagoing (cruising) yachts are significantly different from all others.

They have a stronger structure that can easily withstand the wave. The hold is large enough to stock up on food and fuel. It can also host a command. For such yachts it does not matter at all how she sails from the shore.

Yachts by number of hulls

By the number of hulls, ships can be divided into those with one or several hulls. Monohull yachts have only one hull. Multihulls may have two or three. Two-hull are catamarans, three-hull are trimarans.

The number of hulls on the yacht determines not only its stability, speed, but also the resistance to the wave. Turning a multihull yacht at sea is almost impossible. The catamaran can reach a fairly high speed with a tailwind.

This is due to the fact that the housings have less resistance to the wave, and, accordingly, less friction against water. The trimaran has a large body in the middle and two float bodies on either side.

The likelihood that such a yacht will lose stability is extremely small. If the ship rolls, then it stands on the hull and one of the floats. Recently, small trimarans have become popular. They can be transported on a trailer.

Yachts to achieve stability

This classification applies to monohull ships. Everything is connected with the fact that in order for the yacht to sail, you need wind. Its intensity is at times strong enough to overturn a vessel. To prevent this from happening, you need to resort to one of the options for increasing stability.The first is placing the ballast at the bottom of the body.

The uniqueness of the yachts, with the correct ballast placement, is well deserved. Even with significant team mistakes, it will stay afloat.The second is to use centerboards. The centerboard is a special wing that is underwater. It is light enough and uses the weight of the team in its control. Traveling on such yachts requires experience and skill.

The last option for achieving stability is a compromise: an average between the two methods described above.

Yachts by hull material

The most common material for yacht hulls is plastic. Plastic ships are the cheapest. For the more expensive ones, metal is used. Metal yachts are made for cruising in bad weather conditions (ice in the way).

Well, wooden ones are a work of art, comfort and luxury.

Yachts by status

You can use the yacht as a personal transport, and possibly for commercial purposes (transportation of passengers, excursions).

Yachts by sail construction

According to the design of the sail, the ships can be divided into single-masted and double-masted. In some models, several sails can be installed on one mast. There are many types of yachts with two masts. The front is called the mainsail, and the back is called the mizzen.

Examples of two-masted yachts: yol (mainsail smaller than mizzen in size), ketch (mainsail and mizzen of the same size), schooner (used only with a fair wind). A boat with scarlet sails can generate a lot of income if used commercially.It should be noted that if you are going to buy a yacht, it is better to enroll in a yacht school first.

We will inform you in detail and select the option you need. We have several types of training programs. We will help you learn how to operate a yacht so that there are no problems at sea.

Then you can not worry about your safety and enjoy walking in the sea. Upon completion of your training at our yacht school, you will receive a state level certificate.

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